Butter London - Scouse Swatch & Review
Hello hello! Today I am writing my very first Butter London swatch/review! Yay!! I bought this second hand BL Scouse for SGD$20! Look at all those goodness in that bottle :O
I have read other reviews by bloggers and found out that Scouse is a duochrome. And it is MEGA duochrome!
The color showed in the bottle is an understatement. When applied to the nail, the effect is so much more BOOMZ. As many duochromes need a black base, all my swatches in this post are with ONE coat of A-England Camelot (the best black, smooth and veryyyyy opaque) and TWO coats of Butter London Scouse, ending off with Glisten & Glow's HK Girl topcoat.
Under artificial light
Under artificial light
It seems to me that in the above swatches, you can see the brilliant sparkly blue more dominantly with hints of purple sparkles too. In real life, a bend of the finger and you can immediately see a dark rich purple. It's like you have literally two colors on the nail just by catching the right light. Scouse also feels like a metallic blue under artificial lighting.
In the shade
In the shade
In the shade
Oh my boy, look at that. I love my swatches taken in the shade. I mean, look at that beauty, I'm speechless. It's like the blue and purple blend well while complimenting each other. Just give a round of applause to Scouse girls!
Under direct sunlight
I was in luck when the sun shone directly into our unit and I quickly took off to the living room window with my DSLR. First thing was to see the BLING. Honestly, Scouse was so bling that I think it's even more bling than glitters! Can't you believe that??
I realised I have been going on and on about the color that I forgot to tell you about the application! Well, needless to say, it is very smooth. I super duper uber love Scouse! I think I wouldn't have gotten this if it weren't half the price! Would you pay the retail price for this? Share your thoughts with me!

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