OPI Nail Envy 6 days test (Review)
Hello there lovely reader!
It's been a long time eh? Unfortunately I broke a nail :'( and hence went back to using OPI's Nail Envy to strengthen my nails for almost a week (couldn't stand my naked nails). Here is what's left of my Nail Envy LOL. I'm really running low on this baby!
So last Tuesday, I posted on Instagram my naked nails so that I could do a comparison shot. At last, 6 looooong days passed by and I have the before and after! My left hand wasn't a problem at all. Nothing fancy to talk about LOL.
For the more interesting part, my right hand where I broke a nail. As seen in the before picture it looked kinda bad. On day 2, I filed it to even out the ugliness. And ta-da! Take a look at day number 6!
Pretty amazing huh? Please exucuse the orange mark on my index and the yellow on my ring finger. I was doing some nail art on my practice wheel and accidentally got my nails some color HAHA! Anyway, back to serious stuff.
Also, I would like to add that I had used Nail Envy a couple of times before (duh, I have so little of the product left!!) and applied it to nails that broke. To be more specific, I broke my left and right thumbnails and they NEVER (up till this date) gave way. Which is pretty sweet, using Nail Envy to rescue and not get them broken again!
It is however, a bit pricey. But hey, sometimes you gotta invest in good stuff right?

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