Chloe and Bella 2014 Summer Bouquet - Cornflower, Daffodil, Freesia, Stargazer Swatch and Review
polishes were sent for review
Hey there!
If you know, I had done two reviews on two polishes(Midnight & Starlight) from Chloe and Bella AND I did promise to show you the remaining FOUR polishes in a big post right? Well, here it is! Today's mega picture-heavy post stars these beauties:
(From L-R: Daffodil, Freesia, Stargazer, Cornflower)
First off, CORNFLOWER.
This amazing glitter topper is uh-mazing! There's so may pieces of my fave color blue hehehe! So there's bigger, smaller and teeny tiny striking bright blue square pieces. Adding on, there's very fine micro silver glitters together with dark blue tiny square pieces and some dark blue thin bar glitters! There's even some beautiful silver but not overly flashy bigger hexagon pieces plus a few pieces of yellow translucent hexagon glitters too!
(Left: Outdoors in shade, Right: Under artificial lighting)
There were no problems with application or formula. They were all great! Cornflower is a polish with a shimmery sheer blue base. The glitter payoff is really great, I only needed minimal dabbing which is reall awesome. Here's how it looks on it's own with one, two and three coats (no topcoat) in order:
(Outdoors in shade)
Next, I tried Cornflower over a black polish (a-england Camelot) and a off-white polish (OPI - My Boyfriend Scales Walls). I normally would like glitters over black, but surprisingly for Cornflower I like the white base more as I can see the blue better.
Here is one coat of Cornflower without any top coat.
(Under artificial lighting)
(Outdoors, in shade)
Even though I said I prefer Cornflower over white instead of black, the close-up picture over black needs some attention!!! The small silver micro glitters are really showing off really well outdoors, plus the blue looks so electrifying here *drools*
(Outdoors, in shade)
And here's to more glitter~ Second coat!
(Under artificial lighting)
(Outdoors, in shade)
Alas, the last picture for Cornflower. I saved the last for the best *winks* Here's two coats of Cornflower over white up close and personal *heart-shaped eyes*
(Outdoors, in shade)
Now... moving on to DAFFODIL.
When I first picked up this polish the first thing that came to mind was "this is a happy polish!". I mean look at the color combo, it's just like sunshine and all the happiness revolving it.
This glitter topper is loaded with cute big yellow round glitters, big white hexagon pieces, smaller sized yellow hexagon glitter, medium sized orange-gold glitters, translucent yellow bar glitters and my fave of all - bright fiery orange small sized hexagon glitters.
(Left: Under artificial ligting, Right: Under sunlight)
The formula was great, not a problem at all! The amount of glitter is more than enough and you don't need fishing. Also, some dabbing is required to place glitters to space them out and give more variety to the glitters on the nail. Here's how it looks on it's own with one, two and three coats (no topcoat) in order:
(Under sunlight)
And now let's add some colors! I used a pink-ish coral polish (Revlon - Apricot Nectar) and a black polish (a-england - Camelot). I really really loooooove Daffodil over Apricot Nectar, it just goes so well with all the glitters. Especially my fave glitter the fiery orange hexagons, it just matches so well! I chose black to show you that Daffodil has a pretty pretty shimmery base.
Here's one coat of Daffodil, and personally, I like it with one instead of two.
(Under artificial lighting)
!!Attention!! at my ring finger in the swatch below! Lookie at the fiery orange caught under the sun! It's so pretty, I can't eveeeeen!!
(Under sunglight)
Here's a close up of all the goodness, shimmery base + glitter!
(Under sunlight)
Moving on to applying the second coat (with top coat)
(Under artificial lighting)
(Under sunlight)
Freesia is definitely for you purple girls out there! I mean, I don't particularly love purple that much, but well this bottle proves me otherwise!
It contains cute big yellow and purple round glitters, medium sized yellow and purple hexagon shaped pieces, a few white matte triangles, tiny purple bar glitters. All of these with a beautiful stunning purple shimmery base that flashes blue in some angles.
(Left: Under artificial lighting, Right: Outdoors in shade)
Hands down, Freesia has the BEST glitter pay off compared to the other polishes mentioned here. There are loads and loads of those medium sized purple hexagons, it overwhelms me! Application and formula are great, A*! Here's how it looks on it's own with one, two and three coats (no topcoat) in order:
(Outdoors in shade)
And now, I added Freesia over black polish (a-england - Camelot) and off-white polish (OPI - My Boyfriend Scales Walls). You can see very clearly on my ring finger how the shimmery lilac base becomes blue under artificial lighting, amazing! Here's one coat~
(Under artificial lighting)
(Outdoors in shade)
Moving on with the second coat plus top coat! Here you can see what I mean by there's a lit of those medium sized purple hexagon glitters. I didn't even have to fish and I even swipe clean of one side of the brush!!
(Under artificial lighting)
(Outdoors in shade)
Stargazer is a clear based glitter topper with many interesting magenta glitter pieces. There are diamond, medium and bigger round glitters, small tiny micro glitters, short bar glitters and... stars! Also, there are a few yellow glitters too! There's the cute round yellow glitter similar to those in Daffodil and some translucent yellow medium sized hexagons.
(Left: Under artificial lighting, Right: Outdoors in shade)
The formula and application is great (yes again, I love this consistency of quality!) Here's how it looks on it's own with one, two and three coats (no topcoat) in order:
(Outdoors in shade)
Let's test out Stargazer with some colors! There's blue (China Glaze - For Audrey) and the off white base (OPI - My Boyfriend Scales Walls). I love how Stargazer shows up well on both the colors which is really great and versatile.
Here it is in one coat:
(Under artificial lighting)
(Outdoors in shade)
After moving on to the second coat, I realise that it might be a bit too much glitter for me, I liked it better with one coat.
Here's two coats:
(Under artificial lighting)
(Outdoors in shade)
And now we have come to the end of the review!
(Outdoors in shade)
Overall these four polishes have great glitter, application and formula. Chloe and Bella has really amazed me with their polishes. If you knew, I have other reviews (Midnight & Starlight) from Chloe and Bella, do take a look!
I hope this post was informative and helped you decide to get a few polishes (or all in fact!)
Chloe and Bella ships worldwide and is 5-free (that means no Dibutyl Phthalate, Toluene, Formaldehyde,Formaldehyde Resin, or Camphor)

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